2 thoughts on “Twink of the day

  1. This one do give a 9 of 10 and give a 4A.
    This b not beauiful. It b more than ok ~ OK. There is a new version of OK, the ~.
    OH ! Why does THIS writer give THIS picture of THIS one a ”A”, 4/5 and 9 of 10 ??? X
    Why not a plain 10/10 and 5/5 ???
    Twink of the day one be a less than a 10/10 and less than a 5/5. Twink of the day be more than most. A B X [or, they be extra] and, to this writer, he be oooo. Bush and Cock and Body and Face and Expression and, do not like to say this, but his Demeanor makes him A, 9/10, 4/5. Wood Love to TRY to make him a friend. Failing that, woood work to try to MAKE HIM at least like this.

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